Logo Styleguide

This is an example of the style guide docs I create when developing concept designs. In this case: a guide for a corporate logo.

I was asked to provide an alternative approach to the design of a new identity. As I do with all the logos I create, I design it first to be animated and second that it must look good as a tattoo, on a hat and on a t-shirt.

Please click the PDF icon above to view the style guide.

Graphic Design

Well – I love graphic design, but it’s rare that I design logos. When I do, it’s for friends and causes that I care about, when there is animation to make, an awesome compositing or technical challenge required or an established client who wants an animator to take an alternative look at their branding.

I approach all my graphic design work with a “designing-for-animation-first” mindset – rarely for print – and always with digital content for the web in mind.


In addition to the industry standard 2D tool-sets in Adobe CC, I lean heavily into 3D tools for graphic development. This includes using 3ds Max and Element 3D, a plugin from Video Copilot, in After Effects to develop and animate graphics – this alone makes designing FUN!